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Investing – What You Need to Know

The investment process is a great way to achieve your long-term financial goals and also grow your money. It’s a process that can be accomplished with the help of professional advisors to help you make sure you are balancing the need for principal protection and some potential growth against your financial situation and your ability […]

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Commercial and Nonprofit Boards Or Directors

The majority of nonprofits and businesses have boards or directors who are the governing bodies that create plans for their organizations, assign recognition to the individuals who carry out those plans, and oversee the executive staff. Many nonprofits have advisory boards that offer advice and direction to the executive director or board. Boards that are […]

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Diversify Your Investments When it comes to investing it is crucial not to put all your eggs in one basket. If you do, you risk the possibility of losing a significant amount if a single investment does poorly. It is better to diversify across asset classes, such as stocks (representing shares in the individual companies) bonds, stocks, […]

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